Founder, Erica Kelly
Copperseal offers curated objects for the well-styled home. Founded by Erica Kelly in Savannah, GA, Copperseal is an online shop offering heirloom provisions for the modern homestead. Expect to find antique and vintage home decor for the bedroom, kitchen, dining, and living.
”To me, making a house a home is all about the layers: family heirlooms, vintage goods that speak to you, and a few newer items that make life easier. Copperseal isn’t my main gig; most days I’m leading client relationships and strategy for a branding agency. But, it is my most “fun” gig. I love the thrill of the hunt! All of my goods come from far and wide, between roadside garage sales and massive antique markets. If you’re ever on the hunt for something in particular, I’d love to find it for you!” —Erica Kelly, Founder
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